Of all the websites we've seen, we keep getting drawn to those that have pages of links for their visitors. Well, we've kept Links Pages before- but none quite like this.
We've done this in 5 different areas- those that are Shrines to the Senshi, Images Archives that you can borrow from <Some for a price- usually needing permission or a linkback>, those that house FanFiction <Some of these you can submit to>, those that you can become a member of- and now, sites that have won awards from us.
So pay them a visit- if you feel they're better in setup, then comment on them. But don't flame them- we, at least, respect them.
Shrines Of The Senshi
These websites are lovingly prepared- for each of the owners has a favorite Sailor Soldier, and they prepare these with more images of that Sailor than most of the other pages on it. Still, they house pages of Details & Images of all the Senshi.
Sailor Star's Sailor Moon Collection
One that our webmaster visited, she uses a mainpage layout of Lycentia's for this site. Adopt a Sailor Senshi, test your Knowledge of SM and find out more here.
Dreamcast's Portal
The first to use our Link Us- Link You System, this will be moved when the time is right. She did an extraordinary site- so our thanks go to her.
If you ever thought that the people over in Japan would look at developing an Official Japanese SailorMoon Website- this was a long time coming, and well worth it! You will need Internet Explorer 5.x and BabelFish Translation Site to be able to read it, if you don't understand Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana.
These sites house the best in FanFiction- do some reading in them. It could do you good.
Sailor Moon FanFiction Collection Center
Want to read FanFiction about JUST Sailor Moon, including Crossovers? Then make tracks for here. 35 authors working Solo and Joint, over 200 fanfics stored here.
Paladar's World Of FanFiction
With over 320 authors publishing here, this site gets better. Publishing Power Rangers, Sailor Moon and other Fictions here, it gets popular as time goes by.
Full Moon Archives
Full Moon houses works by Jendra & other authors she works with or publish alone, where Crescent Moon houses the 2 series Jendra worked on alone- SAILORMOON UNIVERSAL, parts A & B. More will come when she gets the time.
Andros' MegaFiction Showcase
Starting out with only 3 authors, Dale Speer operates this website when he's not working on SM America. Now housing 8 authors, himself included, he continues to search the web for more FanFiction and accepts submissions from others. Check it out.
Sailor Chronos Fanfiction Page
One of the best FanFiction Sites I've seen in a while, this features Fictions of an Otaku Senshi nature.
Another site that comes recommended by one of our Associate Members, this one hosts FanFiction based in Anime- not just romantic fanfiction based in Sailor Moon. Check them out.
Sailor Moon Role Playing & Collectable Card Game Sites
These websites feature information on the Role Playing Game created by Guardians Of Order and the Collectable Card Game by Dart FlipCards. I've been a big fan of these, and now I know we're not alone...
One of the best SM-RPG Sites I've seen, this has sample campaigns and info on the RPG system.
SailorMoon Image Archives & BackGround SiteSystems
\These websites are where I found the backgrounds for some of the site pages and images for others, like this one. They're secured on a LinkWare Basis- meaning I had to link back to their owner sites to use them. So give them some thanks, okay.
This is still the place for pics of Usagi, Mamoru, ChibiUsa and others of the Moon Family.
This is where much of the stuff came from- banners, GuestBook images and more. She's accomplished much- so give her a vote of thanks for us. NEW LOCATION!
Providing backgrounds and other images, they do excellent work. Check them out and give them our vote of thanks.
You will find Wallpapers of your favorite Anime Series and OVA productions here for your Windows Desktop. An extensive archive of Sailor Moon Wallpapers are here to check out for yourself.
From what I've seen, this woman makes some great graphics for your SM Website needs. Check her out.
DayDream Graphics
A site that Angela Brown recommended, this one has layouts galore for your SM and other Anime Website needs, as well as designs based on favorite music groups and movies. Check them out and see what you can find.
northarc.com Anime Image Archives
Another site that Angela Brown recommended, this one has more images for your SM Website needs. Check them out and see what you can find.
Another of Angela Brown's recommendations, this one has more images for your SM Website needs as well as 2 different packets for making your own Senshi using the FKiSS System.
Crescent Graphics
Another site that an Associate Member recommended, this one has more images for your SM Website needs. Check them out and see what you can find.
SailorMoon Multi-Purpose SiteSystems
These websites are out of the ordinary- they provide some much needed services to those of us who want an interactive experience with the Senshi.
Free homepages, e-mail, chat, greeting cards and a whole lot more- all with the express purpose of giving Sailor Moon Fans a place of their own.
A virtual "Treasure Trove" of SailorMoon Stuff is waiting for you here... come check it out and give us some comments.
Partner & Associate Member Websites
These websites belong to those who are Associate Members & Partners of SailorMoon America, and have a great deal of dedication put into them. Visit them and make them part of your Links Page.
Silver Sailor Nebula's Silver Palace
A featured Website on the WebRing, the Silver Palace is home to a broad assortment of FanFiction, FanArt and Profiles on the 10 Senshi and the SilverSailor Senshi, a group of Otaku Senshi created by 3 fellow authors.
The Dramaturges of Yann
A recent Associate Member, this is an eZine that centers on SciFi but also features anime and manga material from fans and the staff.
Sailor Universe Sun's Kingdom
One website I'm going to tell the owner of to have remodeled, she is brilliant with her works of Fan Scouts. Features fan art & fiction, RPGs and much more.
Silver Moon
The homepage for the RPG group they host, it is a remarkably well-maintained site with exceptional material.
Moon Angel's Site
Packs quite the site for the punch, plus the webmistress is always adding to it. Check it out.
Mizuno Ami's Domain
She keeps a wonderful website, filled with most everything you would need- plus she centers it on the Ice Senshi of Knowledge, Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Twilight's Space
Another great FanScout Creator, she has a broad range of creations that warrant a good look around the site.
Princess In The Moonlight
One of our best websites out there, the webmaster's called for our assistance many a time and we've lent him some good work.
Sailor Planet Power
Blending Anime and Cosplay together, this is a wonderful addition to the Associate Members.
The Manga House
Another of those websites where I need to tell the owner to remodel, it's a good setup.
Fanfiction Axis - Sailor Moon
With all of their FanFiction centered in Alternate Universes of the Cartoon, it has a broad variety of FanFiction including Sailor Moon, Harry Potter and G.I. JOE.
Sailor Moon's American Dream
With different varieties of the Senshi Story and the Infinite Directory of Sailor Earths (which he claims to be an "Indispensible" resource), this is a great website.
Award Winners
These websites have won awards from us- whether they be Associate Member or Director Selections, Submitted Winners or winners of our Wings Of Love award, they get put here.
The Senshi Of Serenity
This website was the first to win the Director's Selection for July, 2001. The author's dedication to her site made it an obvious choice.
Sailor Sirius- Sailor Senshi Of The Stars
Based off of the series, this website was created back in 1997 and is still going strong. Director's Selection Award Winner for December, 2001 and now Website Of The Month Award Winner for August, 2004.
Nothing But Sailor Pluto
The Director browsed this site, but didn't find it sufficient to warrant his Selection for September. Passing it off to Kerri, one of our Associate Members, it warranted enough to give it this... the very first Associate Member Selection, awarded in September, 2002.
Crystal Tears
When Bunny sent us the link to her site- which she now changed into a Clique- one browse from the Director was all it took to give her November 2002's Director's Selection- and someone nominated the WebOrganization for her Breathtaking Site Award. Our thanks goes out to her for giving it to us.
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