Welcome To SailorMoon America's
Cosplay Arena

There are things that simply amaze people... and when they become fans of Japanese Animation, they will undoubtedly take their fandom to the next level. Some will begin to draw manga, others will write stories...

And others will become their favorite characters - both in outfits and in attitude. This is what's called Cosplay.

Many a fan of Anime was introduced to it with one particular series... Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. When they decide to do cosplay - and research it out on the internet - they're surprised that many have kept true to the series they're fans of and make costumes based on the characters of the one they were introduced to.

This is why we're here... because many a cosplayer has made a Senshi Outfit. But it isn't all that we do here...
We also host an amazing form of FanFiction here, based largely on the area focusing around Marching Bands but converted for cosplay. Created by Dale Speer, Cosplay FanFiction is quickly becoming popular - but our big area are the profiles we host of many cosplayers and groups - individuals like Angel McLeod & Francesca Dani and groups like Sailor Jamboree & Harmonic Cosplay. We also have an area devoted to those who dress up as Living Dolls - known in Japan as Kigurumi, and of course we also have a page full of links to other sites.

Website Updates...

We've posted 3 galleries of Barbie & Kaie with their profile here. Look for more galleries soon.

Select From One Of The Following Options...

What Is Cosplay?- Information about Cosplay, including conventions, groups and suppliers

Kigurumi- Find out more about the art of becoming a Living Doll

Cosplay Angels- The Arena's Cosplay FanFiction authoring team

Links- Portals to other websites and groups about Cosplay

Contact Us- e-mail, View or Sign our Guestbook

SailorMoon America's Cosplay Arena is © 2004 by the Partners & Associate Members of SailorMoon America, Dale Speer Founder & Webmaster.
Images provided by those individuals & groups which we've gained permission to profile and feature here, with some provided by sites in the LINKS page with permissions.
Website Hosting provided through SailorMoon America.
This website is intended for entertainment purposes only, and isn't connected with Naoko Takeuchi, Sailor Moon's creator, or her agents.