Cosplay Team Profile
Harmonic Cosplay

Prentice & Joie as EternalSailors Moon and Venus

Take 3 friends who love all things manga, anime and cosplay... and also love to sing and act in skits for themselves- and what do you get? You get the awesome trio of Hanime, Joie & Prentice... known collectively in the Eastern U.S. as Harmonic Cosplay.

Formed by Hannah (aka Hanime), she formed the trio when she found interested partners in her friends JodiAnne (aka Joie) and Jacquelyn (aka Prentice). They gathered in time for the 8th. annual AnimeWeekendAtlanta and had an unusual array of costumes for the weekend... but in 2004, they had a stroke of genius.

It was this year that they went back in time to 1995 and the one anime that began the revolution here in the U.S.- PrettySoldier SailorMoon- and they crafted Eternal Designs of the Princesses of the Moon, Mercury and Venus. It was then that their trio took off for the stars... and the costumes haven't been retired yet!

If you go visiting their website, you'll find videos of their 2 very successful cosplay routines there. One features the trio as part of a group of FinalFantasy cosplayers going across the stage at the 8th. annual AnimeWeekendAtlanta, the other features just the trio in their EternalSailor Senshi costumes as they bring Kirari Sailor Dream, the opening theme to the recently ended PrettyGuardian SailorMoon, to vivid life with Prentice vocalizing it while dressed as the awesome EternalSailor Moon.

With the help of a leading CosplayPhoto Website, we're offering galleries of just Joie and Prentice in their Eternal Senshi outfits and one other costume... without permission from Hanime, we can't feature any of her pictures here. Hopefully, her friends will give her some encouragement to do it. But soon, we'll offer some home images from their own computers that you'll look at.

Information about Harmonic Cosplay came from their website, researched by Dale Speer.

Photos for the Profile and 3 page Gallery come courtesy of Rising Sun Anime Imagery

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