Legal Disclaimer- All of the characters named- with the exception of Maureen Roberts- belong to their respective companies and individuals. I lay no claim to owning them. I did write myself in this as a man prior to what happens when I become the person I named above- and you need my permission to use her only. Angela Brown has given me permission to use her 2 custom characters, Sandra & Angela Brown, and you need her permission to use them.
An Awakening
By Dale Speer & Angela Brown
Selene gazed down upon the world she chose to watch... watching the people rush about as they did their work.
Catching sight of a calendar, she noticed that it was December 24th... Christmas Eve- and she suddenly remembered about one very special someone in her existence. A man she put her blessing on when he was conceived 17 years before... and born on Christmas Day.
She then turned her attention to her special man... and what she saw astonished her.
To Dale Speer, it was a normal day... and tomorrow, with the exception of it being his birthday, would be normal as well. His bottom would get a spanking with the board or one of his brothers might rip apart what he was working on or trash his computer... as normal as it would be for him, and he couldn't complain because his brothers, all 5 of them and all older than him, always got their way from mother and father. If he did complain to either authority figure about one of his brothers messing up what he was working on, either on the drawing table or the computer, they would beat him for lying to them and get sent up to his room... and then they'd laugh at what happened.
When it came to getting what they wanted for Christmas- they always wanted sports gear where he wanted stuff for drawing and computer accessories- the other boys got what they wanted and Dale didn't. So he worked at the neighborhood computer shop, earning money so that he could buy what he needed for his room, his person and his projects. The owner, a kind old man named Mark, understood why he needed the work and established a checking account so that Dale would be able to do what he needed to and often bought him what he needed, at a discount... and whenever Dale came in crying, he was always there to listen to what happened.
On this particular Christmas Eve Dale had 5 computers on the various benches, dealing with upgrades on 3 of them and problems with 2 when Mark came in. "Can you use some help, Dale?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," Dale said, "I've got 3 that need upgrades put in them and these 2 have problems that I've been dealing with for the last week. The workups for the 3 are taped to each one of them, and the parts should be here in a few minutes." "You do good work, Dale," he said with a smile.
The problem with the 2 was the same one- one of the latest viruses got into the computers and wreaked havoc with them. Installing the latest in AntiVirus Software, they eliminated the devils and updated them with what was necessary. Once the owners picked them up, with CDs of the AntiVirus Installations, it was only a half hour until every one of the other computers was finished.
"I put a little extra into your account today," Mark said, "because you was the only worker here for December, and you did quality work where it was needed. But let's sit down and talk, Dale- because at this moment, you don't need to be harrassed by your family, and I have other gifts for you."
"A young woman called earlier today," he said, "asking for you to meet her on the western edge of town after dark. She said that she would send a limousine for you. She also knew that I had lots of properties- including an estate I didn't use in that direction, and that it would be a grand Christmas Gift for you. She was right in that I wouldn't even use it, and so I had a cleaning crew make it elegant for you while I changed the Title Deed on it to your name."
"That's very kind of you, sir," Dale said, "But I can't go living out there... my family wouldn't allow it." "Your family doesn't need to know," Mark said, "And they don't... when midnight rolls around, pack your items and head out through the roof window. I'll be there with a ladder for you to get down with and you'll make your getaway, and it will be in that limo. We'll celebrate Christmas Eve here at the store after we close, and I'll drive you home."
Once he was home at 11:30pm, he started working on packing clothes, his computers and other necessities for his new life. Once Mark showed up, he had the van with him and they packed everything into it.
In the limousine, Dale was wondering about who wanted to see him- and when he arrived at his destination, he saw Mark drive by as he got out... and was immediately in the view of an extremely elegant young woman who was walking his way. "Hello, Maureen Roberts," she said, "My name is Selene... and welcome to your new life." Dale looked as he was standing in a pool of moonlight... and even more so, he saw his legs from the bottom a skirt.
Feeling over his body, he found that the moonlight altered his body and clothes into a woman's- and Selene explained that she was a goddess who blessed his body with a woman's spirit. "I was disappointed when your family ruled over your wishes," she told her, "But I was pleased when Mark helped you with both work and a checking account- so pleased that I influenced him to give you an unused estate of his as a Christmas gift."
Dale's new body was only a half a foot shorter than the male form he had. She had light brown hair that fell to her shoulders and deep blue eyes. From the clothes he wore, she was now wearing a white long-sleeve blouse, blue jeanskirt and black cowgirl boots- and her eyes held appreciation for the goddess she was in the presence of.
"Thank you, Selene," Maureen told her in a rich, melodic voice, "for everything you've done to make this Christmas Birthday extra special for me."
The next morning, Maureen woke up to snow falling and a tree with gifts galore under it.
Everything she ever wanted was buried under the tree- clothes, 2 computers and lots of other pretty items. Many of the gifts came from Selene- and others came from 2 sisters that Maureen would meet that morning. And those sisters were preparing more surprises for their new friend.
While Maureen was enjoying her Christmas morning, a few blocks away from her home 2 sisters were doing the exact same thing. Sitting at the base of a large, beautifully decorated tree were a number of brightly wrapped gifts, waiting to be opened and enjoyed. During the night, Selene visited them and told them of Maureen and her prior life as Dale. She asked them to take Maureen into their hearts and give her a few gifts as well... which were delivered by Mark to her new residence.
The 2 sisters who sat by the tree opening gifts were beauties, both inside and out. They were twins, but had a few distinguishing diferences. One had nearly platinum blonde hair held up in a high ponytail. Her bright blue eyes shined happily as she tore into the wrapping paper. The other, who grinned as the gift was opened, also had blonde hair, but it was a few shades darker. And instead of the ponytail preferred by her twin, she wore hers loose and it reached to nearly her butt. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, the same as her older twin.
Sandra opened her gifts carefully, leaving the wrapping paper whole for other purposes as her eyes lit up when she saw the bracelet in the box. "Oh," she said, "This is splendid."
"I bet Maureen's opening up her presents now, onee-chan," Angela said a few minutes later, "And is she going to be surprised with our gifts to her, all contained in one box." "I have no doubt about it." Sandra answered her sister. "And we'll giver her the bigger surprise later, by showing up at her door."
One package Maureen found was labeled, "To: our new friend Maureen. From: Sandra and Angela Brown." She opened it up and was surprised to find what was inside... DVDs of series she didn't know about, because as Dale she had to watch football everyday- even videotaped from Saturday's college games. Also, dolls and other collectables and books for her to read. The titles ranged from Sailor Moon to CardCaptor Sakura and Saint Tail... and all this brought a smile to her face.
Sandra looked over at Angela after all their gifts had been opened. "Wanna head over now?" she asked. "Perhaps cook her a nice breakfast?" "Hai," Angela replied, "and perhaps we should spend some time grocery shopping for that breakfast." So they packed their items into the back seat of their minivan and then drove to the grocery store for the breakfast they were going to prepare her.
Meanwhile, Maureen was reading the first volume of the Sailor Moon books she got from the sisters and was having fun with it... matter of speaking, she couldn't put it down once she started.
After about an hour of shopping, the 2 sisters arrived in front of their new friend's house. "We can take the groceries in after we meet her." Sandra suggested. Nodding her head, Angela walked up and knocked on her door... and when Maureen opened it, there were the sisters standing there. "Hi there," Angela said, "You got a package from a pair of girls named Sandra and Angela Brown?"
"Yes," Maureen replied back. Sandra grinned broadly. "We are they. They are us." she said before she giggled.
"What she meant to say is that she's Sandra," Angela replied, "and I'm Angela." It was then that they couldn't stop Maureen from giving them hugs, a show of great appreciation from her... before asking, "Will you come inside from the cold and let me get you some hot cocoa?"
"Actually," Sandra then said, "We have the fixens for a huge christmas breakfast in our car. Would you like to share breakfast with us?" "I would be delighted," Maureen replied, then the trio pitched in and brought the groceries in from the car. "I'll go ahead and start cooking." Sandra said, and began to arrange the necessary items needed in the kitchen.
While all that was happening, Angela snuck back out and got the costumes and accessories from the back seat of the minivan and went into the study. There, she dressed as her favorite character, Sailor Venus from the anime.
Meanwhile, Maureen was looking around for Angela and asked, "Where is your sister, Sandra?" Sandra looked over at Maureen as the bacon sizzled in the pan. She giggled to herself then told their new friend that Angela was in the study. Instructing one of the servants to take over the cooking, Sandra headed to change into her costume as Maureen headed to the study.
Once Maureen got there, the sight she beheld wasn't Angela at all, but of a character she just read about in the manga before the sisters got there... and she asked, with a bit of a worry in her voice who she was. "I am Sailor Venus," Angela announced, completely into her character as she watched Maureen's face cloud over with surprise. Sandra was soon changed into her favorite character and headed towards the study. She stood behind Maureen and waited until she was noticed.
"And you're late, Sailor Moon!" Angela said in character, "Just when we have a youma to battle!" That made Maureen turn around... and this time, with the same worry in her voice, she asked, "Sailor Moon?" Sandra worked her best pout. "Sorry! I got kept late by Mom. Had to clean my room." she apologized, then stood next to her sister. "Besides, you're not always on time either. Remember last time?" Angela's face suddenly dropped at the reminder of the event... and that actually made Maureen laugh at the event.
"Enough of that already," Maureen said, "So who are you, really? At the last account, I had 2 sisters as my guests here." It was then that Angela gave a light laugh at the humor... and then said, "Like I said, she's Sailor Moon and I'm Sailor Venus."
"Who were these guests of yours?" Sandra asked as Moon. "Sandra and Angela Brown," Maureen said.
Sandra looked at Maureen, then at her sister. "Is it just me," she asked, "Or does she look like Jupiter?" "It isn't just you," Angela replied, "She does look a lot like her." It was then that Maureen's curiosity was piqued... and she asked, "Who is Sailor Jupiter?"
Sandra smiled. "She is our senshi of thunder and protection, the strength of our team," she replied.
Finally, Angela broke down and said, "Sailor Moon is actually Sandra- and I'm Angela. And we think that you would make a wonderful Sailor Jupiter- with the costume we brought for you." Maureen looked at them and asked, "Really?" "We sure do!" Sandra replied. "We also think you would be an awesome addition to the world of cosplay as well."
It was then that Angela had Maureen sit down and did her shoulder-length hair into a high ponytail- and in front of a floor-length mirror Maureen saw that, even in pajamas, she made an elegant Makoto Kino.
Sandra looked at Maureen and was completely convinced. "Would you like to try on Jupiter's costume?" she asked their new friend. "Please?" she asked them. So the sisters departed while Maureen changed out of the robe she was wearing and into the costume before calling them in... and they found her in front of the mirror, admiring her appearance. Sandra giggled like a happy child as she exclaimed, "It's perfect on you!" "She's right," Angela replied, "You truly are the Sailor Jupiter we've been looking for."
"Could I keep the costume?" Maureen asked, "Green has always been my favorite color, and I would appreciate it very much." "It would be our great honor if you accepted it." Sandra said. "That is if you would consider joining our cosplay team."
"I would be so very honored to be part of your Cosplay group," Maureen replied with gratitude. "Let's change out of these and back into what we were wearing before," Angela replied, "Breakfast should be on the table by now, and I know I'm hungry." "Hai!" Sandra said enthusiastically before she headed to change into the outfit she wore when she came over. Maureen changed back into her pajamas and robe while Angela also changed back into her clothes.
Once gathered around the kitchen table, Maureen said, "I'm happy to be accepted among friends, especially you two." "And I am happy Angela and I were led to you." Sandra said as she bit into a piece of bacon.
"You've been one who has made an impression on us, Maureen," Angela replied, "And we're honored to be your first friends."
"So Maureen," Sandra then asked her, "What plans do you have for today?" "Besides opening presents," she said, "None." "Well, is there anything you'd like to do?" Angela asked the young woman.
"I don't know," Maureen told them, "On Christmas Day I was wise to stay out of the way of my family, so Mark invited me to the shop and we celebrated Christmas our own way... gaming on computers, sipping hot apple cider and him helping me with websites I kept up on my hobbies- including my artwork." She then opened up her notebook computer and showed them some of her works of art she kept online.
"Wow!" Angela said, admiring the work. "Mark suggested that I make a pen name for displaying my artwork online," Maureen said, "thus, Maureen Stevens was born and I signed my artwork with that name." "I think I've seen that name before." Sandra said. "It sounds familiar."
Angela shrugged the idea off, then came up with an idea of her own. "Let's have an anime day. All-Day Anime!" she exclaimed. "Does that include my anime collection?" Maureen asked.
"What do you have in your collection?" Sandra asked. "Only Sailor Moon," Maureen said, "CardCaptor Sakura and Saint Tail."
Angela then ran out to the van and came back with 2 large cases. "We've got a bit larger collection. Have a look." she said, handing it to Maureen. "Wow," was the word Maureen used when she opened up the case. "And that's about half of it." Sandra said with a grin.
So, once the first volume of Gatchaman was over with, Maureen suggested that they have some fun as their Senshi selves. "Like going out in town dressed as senshi?" Sandra suggested. "Yes," Maureen said, "Or in civilian outfits wearing our hair in their respective hairdos."
"I like that idea better." Angela said. "I'll go get the outfits from the van." And she then proceeded to do so. Once they got back inside, Maureen decided to wear the outfit she was transformed into the night before... and adored how the high heeled cowgirl boots gave her height a boost.
Sandra and Angela went to the spare room and changed into their perspective school uniforms. Angela then helped her sister put her platinum blonde hair into the buns characteristic of the Moon Princess. Once done, Angela did up her own golden blonde hair with a red bow on top. Then the girls proceeded to the living room to wait for their new friend. Maureen came downstairs in her outfit from the night before, her smile big and bright. Sandra saw Maureen and smiled. "Greetings Mako-chan!" she said with a smile. Angela hummed in approval. "Very nice. Very nice indeed." she said.
"Now," Maureen said, "Let's begin this party with a trip to the local mall!"
Once they got there the first place they visited was Mark's Computer Store where inside, Mark was waiting for his favorite young woman with a gift. "When you wasn't here," he told Maureen as he handed her a bank debit card, "Selene suggested that I give you this. Your checking and savings accounts have been capped to $100,000 apiece... and Selene is giving you a secure Swiss Account with 750 million dollars in it that will be refreshed each year with that much money. So you spend to your heart's content with that and I will see you soon."
At the sisters' suggestion, the next place they visited was Hastings where the sisters ran the length of the store in getting Maureen animes and mangas for her collection... and planned to use her debit card to order a large amount of anime from ADV Films and Geneon Entertainment. When they visited WalMart's Home Entertainment Department, Maureen saw a game she wanted to put on her computers because she was into superhero comics... City of Heroes Good vs. Evil Edition, which had both titles on one DVD-ROM.
It was then that Maureen noticed that Angela was gone, and asked Sandra where she was. "Oh, I bet she went back to the house to get lunch started," she replied. It was the truth... but not all of it.
Angela called up a few of their cosplay group members and asked them to bring their Shoujo costumes to Maureen's home. "We may have found our Mako-chan," she told them, "but she needs to be accepted into our circle. Now, here's the lowdown on her."
That story will be the subject of our next tale...