Legal Disclaimer is on Chapter 1... this is the 2nd. Chapter of Angels In Cosplay, and it looks at the beginnings of the Cosplay Group as the Sailor Senshi choose them to become their avatars in the world.
The Angels Are Born
By Dale Speer
As the family of Sandra and Angela visited, they were still annoyed that the sisters still did sissy things like dressing as the Sailor Senshi- and during their visit, they made some decent attempts to make them stop acting so childish. But they were happy to see that they were helping the young woman whose face got everyone thinking.
"Well, we see you attending all those sci-fi conventions and dressing up in the costumes you do," Sandra retorted, "Isn't that considered childish?" They replied that it wasn't- but dressing up as children's characters were. "Well, you should see what we've discovered," Angela replied- and they said that they didn't want to.
Finally, the rest of the family departed and Dale said, "So they don't like cosplay? Well I think they should stay out of what you like doing." "That's the spirit, Dale-chan," Angela said.
Maureen had friends from where she used to live at her house during this weekend, and all of the girls were intrigued by the costume she was building. So their host explained the story of who she was and of her companions- and the more they heard it, the more they were intrigued by the Senshi.
"My friends, the Brown sisters," Maureen told them, "want to try to create a cosplay group that does Shoujo Anime, of which Sailor Moon is a part of." "Now that's 1 group I'd be proud to join," Christine, who looked like Rei, told her friend. "I concur," added Robin, who mirrored Minako perfectly, "I would like to be part of that legacy."
All of the girls present wanted to become part of this new group- and it included 4 others who mirrored the Outer Senshi perfectly. So the group of 11 walked over to the sisters' home and found them in the den- with Sandra at the sewing machine working on the young woman's costume. "So this is the girl who's parents tried to turn into a boy," Danielle, who looked like Setsuna, said. "I can't believe they didn't want a girl for their first child," Robin said, "This is a terrible thing to have happen to such a sweet young woman like you."
"Hai," Sandra said, "when the 3 of us took a vow to be her surrogate mothers, she was one who needed companions who cared for what she was." "And when we told her of our hobby as Cosplayers," Angela added, "she wanted to join us. So we committed ourselves to making her a costume of her favorite character, ChibiMoon." "That's awesome of you 2," Christine said, "In fact, when Maureen told us of your efforts, we wanted in on it."
"Then you're welcome as members of our Cosplay Group," Sandra said with a broad smile.
At the home where the Outer Senshi lived, all of the Sailor Senshi were gathered in the living room as Setsuna told the story of their encounter the previous day with Dale and her surrogate family... and Usagi was interested in how people who cosplay them could actually believe in Serenity to protect a person's spirit.
ChibiUsa was also visiting- at 12 years old, she was growing in stature as both a Princess and as a Sailor Senshi and that made her mother in this time very proud. When she heard Dale's story- and how she wanted to become the image of the NeoPrincess- she asked, "Isn't there a way we can help them, Usagi-chan?"
"We exist on television at this time as a Japanese Anime," Setsuna said, "If we were to become real, we would need people who could represent us- what they know as Avatars." "Then I say we choose this cosplay group to become our Avatars," Rei said, "They know how to handle the dangers here- and I have seen, in visions, that they hold replicas of our henshin wands." "If they ask Serenity for it," Usagi said, "I know that she can bless them with the powers of the Senshi- but it takes a special someone to become Selenity, someone whose heart loves someone as her daughter. And I'm thinking that someone is Sandra- for I see a great love of Dale, like she was her own daughter, in her heart."
"Then let us hope that they seek the powers out of kindness for all humanity," Hotaru said.
At their home, Dale was sitting on the rooftop after the sun set and darkness fell. She knew that the group of girls loved her as one of their own- but she felt a singular love from Sandra, like that of a mother for her daughter.
It was then that she saw the full moon come out and she smiled gently, like a princess should. "I wish that Sandra was really like the Moon Princess," Dale thought, "because then I could really love her as my mother. I truly wish that Sandra was my mother- and that she could be the Moon Princess, even if I had to go back to the future, I would then know that she would be there for me."
Sandra's boyfriend was there and talking to them, especially with his one love. When she told him about Dale, he was angered at why parents would torture a young girl to make her into a boy. "I take it, Sandora-chan," he said, "that you love Dale as a daughter?"
"Hai, Ken-chan," she replied, "and in fact I wish she could become my daughter, but as long as her parents still exist they could stop any motion for me to adopt her as my own." "Then you should hope that the judge strips her parents of their parenting and visitation rights," Ken replied.
The next morning, Dale and the sisters were sitting in the courtroom while one of the pre-trial hearings was underway. This one was on the omnibus motions brought before the judge by the prosecution and defense... with the 3 leading motions being on release bond, parenting and visitation rights.
"We hereby ask that you remand the prisoners to the jail until the trial, your honor," the prosecutor said, "These 2 are both a major flight risk and a high risk to kidnap their daughter to continue their torture." "Why do you say that, Mr. Prosecutor," the defense attorney asked, "My clients are community leaders in themselves- donating money to community organizations both locally and nationwide." "Because we have medical evidence pointing to their torturing their daughter," the prosecutor replied, "to make her their son. They've even gone as far as injecting her with testosterone to change her anatomy."
"And I concur with the prosecutor on this side," the judge said, "the motion to grant bail is denied." "Then please," the defender said, "grant them their parenting and visitation rights." "I think that one person should have the say on that, your honor," the prosecutor said, "their daughter, Dale Speer."
Under the guard of the bailiff and the sisters, Dale then stepped in front of the bench and looked into the faces of those who tortured her. "Why couldn't you be content with me as your daughter," Dale said, "Because you wanted your first child to be a son! Your honor, I demand emancipation from these parents to live my life as I see fit... with the sisters who chose to let me into their home for who I am- not as an abomination."
"Then so shall it be ordered," the judge said, "I deny these defendants both their parenting rights and visitation. Dale, you are now free to do what you want to." "Thank you, your honor," she said before leaving the courtroom.
Once outside, Sandra and Angela hugged their surrogate daughter. "You were so brave in there, Dale," Angela said, "to look your parents in the face and deny them the rights to visit and to raise you as their own." "You're like ChibiMoon in your bravery," Sandra added- and that made Dale smile.
"Now that my parents have been stripped of their parenting rights," Dale said, "I wonder what will happen next." "That I can answer for you, Dale," came from the prosecutor, "Because of your stand against them abusing and torturing you, they changed their plea to Guilty of cruel and unusual punishment- which is similar to Murder in the First Degree. The judge just sentenced them to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole."
"They're going to spend the rest of their natural lives behind prison walls," Sandra said, "but what happens to their estates?" "It would normally go to a brother or sister if they didn't have any children," the prosecutor said, "But because they had one child, it all goes to her. And that amounts to five-hundred million plus dollars in cash and liquidatable assets." "And we know Dale will make smart decisions concerning that," Angela added.
Within 30 days of her recieving the estates, Dale sold off most of the properties as well as stocks, bonds and Treasury Notes, depositing the money in the Savings and Checking accounts in her name and in the various Certificates of Deposit (CDs) held for her. The prosecutor advised that she close the CDs and deposit the funds in an offshore account- preferably one of Swiss Origin, as they're the most secure accounts in the world.
But it was the day following the final financial works that Dale was made even happier, as the 3 girls who became her surrogate parents made it official- jointly they adopted Dale as their own daughter, giving Sandra the right to truly call her a daughter she could be proud of.
Later that night, the Senshi met and Usagi said, "I don't think that this universe would mind us staying. But I do think that the cosplay group we met should be given the chance to be our voice in this world- for I know that they will do wonders for us here." All the others nodded their heads- and Hotaru shrunk Dale's hair so that she could wear a wig to become ChibiMoon. "I think she deserves to be that happy," she replied.
When the 2 groups got together, at Tokyo's Hikawa Temple, Sandra asked the 10 women, "Why do you want us to be your voice in this world? When the newspapers pick up what you're going to do, you will have more than enough exposure here."
"It's because we're from another universe," Usagi said, "one that needs our presence so that evil will not have a foothold there." "But we do know that Chaos exists here in this universe," Brandie, who revealed herself as Hotaru, told them, "and that it will take the power of a group of Sailor Senshi to defeat her here." "We can give you our powers," Setsuna told them, "but it will take more than that to truly make you the Sailor Senshi of this universe."
"We know that you love Dale, Sandra," Michiru said, "almost like she's the one you know as ChibiUsa. You also have a boyfriend who cares for both of you the same way." "That's true, Michiru-chan," Sandra said, "but how can we be truly like you? You're the real Sailor Senshi- and we need you here." "Look within your hearts, minna," Usagi told them, "Find that something that makes you connect to each other."
Looking deep within themselves, each found what connects them to each other and to their universe. "It was my search for knowledge that drew me to my sister," Angela said. "I always felt that Sandra was truly the one to become Selenity in my eyes," Maureen added as one by one, they spoke out what drew them together. "But there was one other element that drew us as one," Sandra ended.
At the look in Usagi's eyes, Sandra said, "It was Dale- her torture, her battering to make her into a man. It was the little girl that brought all of us together." And it was then that the magic began...
Each young woman- and the young man in their midst- started morphing into the characters they knew from television into the ones they most symbolized. As the 10 girls disappeared back to their home universe, the transformations were complete- and when Froe appeared and launched her attack, the girls knew what had to be done...
Mercury Crystal Power - Make Up!
Mars Crystal Power - Make Up!
Jupiter Crystal Power - Make Up!
Venus Crystal Power - Make Up!
Uranus Crystal Power - Make Up!
Neptune Crystal Power - Make Up!
Pluto Crystal Power - Make Up!
Saturn Crystal Power - Make Up!
Moon Crisis - Make Up!
Moon Eternal - Make Up!
Froe didn't even have time to blink- once the Moon Duo locked eyes with her, she didn't stand a chance when zapped with Moon Gorgeous Meditation and the Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss- the combined power turned her into a human, just like them. And in the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl was angered that her first youma didn't even stand a chance.
Once detransformed, Sandra- now known as Usagi- said, "Somehow they knew that Dale would be the unifying force that drew us together. We've fully become the Sailor Senshi- and she's now ChibiUsa-chan." "But your future self would know that we're needing her power here, Usagi-chan," Rei said, "so she's still staying here." "You will also need the power of the Outer Senshi," Setsuna told them, "so we'll stay here as well."
So the die has been cast- as 11 fighters for love and justice have been brought into being. Now, the challenges they've seen on television have become real- but they know that the Sailor Senshi will stop them.
And So, The Story Continues...