Legal Disclaimer is on Chapter 1... this is the 3rd. Chapter of Dale's Rebirth- Anime Fascination.
A Mangaka's Biggest Moves
By Dale Speer & Angela Brown
- Today has been like none other... in the company of Naoko-chan & Sandora-chan shopping for clothes, jewelry and other things was an enjoyable experience.
- The kimono I chose for myself was blue with a star on one side of my chest and a crescent moon on the other... and it seemed that Naoko was pleased with my selection, as she also created Usagi and the other characters of Sailor Moon. I hope that what lies in store for tomorrow is a good thing for me... for I already intend to ask Sandora-chan if she would become my adopted sister. Ever since the rest of the family passed away and I moved to Baltimore, I was a lonely girl... and she has given me a new joy that I can't even explain. She seems to be like the twin sister I never had... for my parents didn't want any other children in their lives. I hope that she accepts my offer, for I don't want to be lonely ever again.