2008 North American Anime Convention Schedule (Tentative)
Slashed Dates mean that the conventions have not worked out their scheduled dates for their areas, while whole lines that are slashed have finished for this year. We'll keep tabs on their websites to find out when they are.
Special Thanks to Anime-Cons[dot]Com for providing some of the dates.
Conventions and dates that are Italicized are brand new to the listing.
Underlined Conventions are those that I'm planning to attend.
January-February Conventions...
Anime LA- January 4 - 6, Van Nuys, CA
Ohayocon- January 4 - 6, Columbus, OH
Sac-Anime- January 11 - 13, Sacramento, CA.
AUSAM-con- January 12, Auburn, AL.
Pokettokon- January 12 - 13, East Peoria, IL.
Setsucon- January 26 - 27, State College, PA.
A & G Ohio- February 8 - 10, Akron, OH.
Anime Convention Websites
A-Kon- a-kon.com
Animazement- animazement.org
Ani-Magic- ani-magic.org
AnimeCentral- acen.org
AnimeFEST- animefest.org
AnimeIowa- animeiowa.com
Anime Expo- animeexpo.org
Anime Express- geocities.com/anythinggoesanime
Anime North- animenorth.com
Anime Oasis- animeoasis.org
Anime Mid-Atlantic- animemidatlantic.com
Anime USA- animeusa.org
Anime Weekend Atlanta- awa-con.com
Big Apple Anime Fest- bigappleanime.com
FanimeCon- fanime.com
JACON- jacon.org
Katsucon- katsucon.com
KumoriCon- kumoricon.org
MegaCon- megaconvention.com
Nan Desu Kan- ndk.cc
Ohayocon- ohayocon.com
Otakon- otakon.com
PortConMaine- portconmaine.com
RECCACon- reccacon.com
SakuraCon- sakuracon.org
ShoujoCon- shoujocon.com
UshiCon- ushicon.com
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