Welcome To...
SailorMoon America

And welcome to the 2012 edition of our domain. Between his business workings and his personal developments, Dale amazingly finds enough time to keep this website up and going. He's reorganizing the weborganization staff to make this a go-to destination for you and your needs in the realm of the Bishoujo Senshi.

Website Updates

Dale's continuing to build a new SailorMoon America site, hopefully in the months before the Series' Anniversary. In the meantime he's written a new Dale's Corner about a subject that plagues just about every fanfiction writer everywhere- writer's block; and he has some new fanfiction stories he's working on, both in the series and in cosplay.

Cosplay | FanFiction | Awards We've Won | Dale's Corner | Groups | Links | Link Us

SailorMoon America was created and designed by Dale Speer, ©2010. Website & Domain Hosting provided by Tripod. Images and layouts provided by SailorGalleries.com & Lycentia's SM Graphics.